Save Inglewood’s old brewery

Once upon a time I wrote a letter to Fast Forward Weekly begging for someone to save the Lougheed building from demolition. Then a short time later the Lougheed was indeed saved. Coincidence? I think not. So thank you thank you very much. See what one little letter to the editor can do?

So without further ado here’s a letter in defense of the old brewery in Inglewood.

For generations the monks of European monasteries made wine in order to supplement their various religious activities. While here in Western Canada we don’t really have as much history (I can’t think of even one local monastery; however I think there are a few convents although none of them make wine) the original brewery will do.

Buried inside the current structure of the old Inglewood brewery is a sandstone structure I think is rather reminiscent of where monks stomped on their grapes. Call me sentimental but the relatively ancient and to some holy shrine of our original local nosh makers should not ever be demolished.

If my letter will have any influence then consider that the owner of the old brewery could easily knock down all the "new" stuff meaning the brick and concrete buildings and renovate the old original sandstone brewery and then build a condominium structure around it. If they can make a bridge out of a Chinese finger trap they can preserve our historical home of hops. Hell the brewery was there before Calgary was a city and Alberta was a province. Demolishing it would be like demolishing Fort Calgary. And look how nicely they built around the sandstone city hall.

It’s a win-win proposal the kind of thing that sells to the gentry like the storm of dinks and yuppies that renovated Eighth Ave. even if they only saved the facades and shows the necessary respect for our heritage that can at least continue to grow into our future.

Thanks again for reading my letters both of them and I’ll see you and the other brothers (and sisters) of beer at the grand re-opening.


