Conservative Party’s national council steps in to save democracy… no wait just MP Rob Anders

It seems the Conservative Party of Canada is stepping in once again to save the skin of Calgary West MP Rob Anders one of its most trusted foot soldiers.

In a letter addressed to the riding’s constituency association John Walsh the party’s national council president writes it has " voted unanimously to exercise its authority" and will assume control over the Calgary West riding’s upcoming AGM.

Walsh says the board has "not respected or reflected the opinions and rights of the members" and appears to accuse the board of not ensuring the "organizational and financial support for our candidate Mr. Rob Anders."

Less than two weeks ago the riding’s board floated the idea of asking its members if they’d like to hold an open nomination meeting. Board president Dan Morrison told the CBC that the "board of directors wants to just open it [up]. It doesn’t matter who wins a nomination but there should be one always. It’s for the health of democracy and it’s for the health of the riding to have these democratic situations occurring."

Almost all of Anders’ supporters were voted off the 30-person board at last year’s AGM.

The national council also revoked the board’s access to its membership database until after the AGM is held. This makes it all but impossible for the board to trigger a nomination process challenging Anders. Under current party rules two-thirds of any ridings’ membership must vote in favour of holding a nomination process. The vote is conducted using a mail-in ballot system and counts any unreturned ballots as a "NO" vote.

Here’s the letter in its entirety:

Re : Calgary West Conservative Association

I am writing to inform you of a decision of National Council with respect to the governance of the Calgary West Conservative Association.

As you know one of the primary responsibilities of National Council is to ensure that an electoral district association which is the primary organization through which the rights of members are exercised functions to the benefit of those members it has been recognized by National Council to serve. National Council has been closely monitoring the events in Calgary West since the 2009 Annual General Meeting of the Calgary West Conservative Association.

In response to this close scrutiny by National Council members of the Calgary West Conservative Association Board have made repeated assurances that the members of the Board would strictly adhere to the mandates and objectives contained both in the Conservative Party of Canada Calgary West Electoral District Association Constitution and the Conservative Party of Canada Constitution.

Consistent with these assurances the Board at a minimum should have ensured the continued organizational and financial support for our candidate Mr. Rob Anders the Member of Parliament for the electoral district of Calgary West. The Board should also have ensured that decisions and determinations made by National Council and confirmed by the procedure approved by the members of the Conservative Party of Canada as set out in the Conservative Party of Canada Constitution were fully supported by the Calgary West Conservative Association.

Recent steps taken by the Board have not respected or reflected the opinions and rights of the members of the Calgary West Conservative Association nor have they respected the various constitutional requirements which bind the Board.

Accordingly at its last meeting National Council voted unanimously to exercise its authority pursuant to section 6.5 of the Conservative Party of Canada Calgary West Electoral District Association Constitution to call the Annual General Meeting of the Calgary West Conservative Association such Annual General Meeting which will be conducted under the authority direction and control of National Council.

We further require that the financial agent of the Calgary West Conservative Association not undertake incur or commit the Association to any expenditure out of the normal course prior to or on the date of this Annual General Meeting unless the financial agent has received prior written approval of the Secretary of National Council.

National Council is prepared to consult with the Board as to the planning and conduct of the Annual General Meeting. I trust you will find the foregoing satisfactory and we thank you in advance for the Board’s anticipated cooperation in all respects.

Yours very truly

John Walsh

