With Calgary taking a hard look at cycling infrastructure or at least talking about taking a hard look at cycling infrastructure you’d think there would be a little foresight when it comes to fixing up existing pathways. No such luck.

I’m one of the lucky people who’s commute involves the pathway system. For me it’s direct fast and kind of pretty too. This morning however the city decided that pathway didn’t need to be there.

It’s great that the city has decided to fix up a bumpy pathway carved up by tree roots. I have no argument there. My argument is that they have torn up every available route along said path. They didn’t tear up on part on the left and leave the other side open as a detour. They didn’t even leave the path up and over the hill. There is no path from here to there.

Imagine if the city treated roadways this way. Imagine if they just decided one day without even a sign to warn you ahead of time to shut down a road — just tear it up and extend a big middle finger. But naturally they woulnd’t do that. That would inconvenience people.

If this city really intends on taking cycling seriously perhaps a little foresight is in order. This doesn’t take a master planner just a few minutes to think and come up with a common sense solution. There are some of us who ride to work year-round and a simple detour would be great. Is that too much to ask?
