Goings on – Week of Aug 2, 2012

Legendary East Vancouver hardcore group Death Sentence were stars in the mid-’80s when they helped carry the torch through their city’s second wave of punk. While they hung up their hats in 1991 which was followed by the tragic drug overdose that took the life of frontman Pete Cleaver the band has reunited with a new singer and will hit the stage at Dickens on Friday August 3 alongside Spastic Panthers and Crystal Mess . It’ll definitely be a good time to bust out a freshly sewn back patch.

If your studded vest is at the dry cleaners however you may want to tone it down a notch with some local indie rock. Fresh off of a million workshops at the Calgary folk fest Lorrie Matheson is celebrating the release of a new album with his band The Night Committee at Broken City.

Maybe you’d rather some unnecessary vowel accents with your music in which case you should hit The Palomino on Friday August 3 where a hard-rocking metal band called Görgön Hörde will täke thë stäge sträight fröm Ëdmonton.

It’s actually a pretty umlaut-filled weekend at The Palomino as Vancouver punk monsters Nü Sensae will also grace the stage with their pummeling brain-destroying combination of sludge and hardcore on Saturday August 4. With support from local hardcore geeks Glitter and a new band called Free Judges attendance is a no-brainer (by which I mean this show will be so noisy that you will leave with no brain).

You know what show’s not happening? The scheduled appearance from fictional cartoon band Dethklok and Lamb of God. If you’ve been following the blogosphere you know why — Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe is still locked up in the Czech Republic after some hard-to-fathom overblown manslaughter charges relating to a young fan who died after allegedly stage diving at a Lamb of God show.

It sucks to be sure but some metal bands have set up a “free Randy Blythe” show at Republik on Saturday August 4. Bands like We Found the Body The Promethean Labyrinth and Wormbox will team up to raise funds for the metal singer who regardless of what you think of his music has been handed a shitty situation.

From East Van punk to fist-pumping metal the week will have been pretty damn exhausting by now. Fortunately music geeks and Fast Forward Weekly contributors Jeremy Curry and Jesse Locke have just the thing as they’ll be playing tracks at Local 510 on Monday August 6.

What kind of tunes will they be playing? Well they’re calling the genre “chili wave.” No not chillwave you goofs it’s not 2009 anymore. You know “chili wave” that kind of music where you just vibe out and eat some ground beef at the same time. Don’t ask questions just come!
