Bumstead Records
• Better than red dirt potatoes and Anne of Green Gables. With the help of producer Joel Plaskett P.E.I.’s Two Hours Traffic have put out a pair of fantastic EPs loaded with crunchy pop-rock gems. Now that they have recorded a full-fledged long-player it’s good to know that they didn’t shoot the works early. Little Jabs has some repeat business from 2006’s Isolator EP (most notably the brilliant “Stuck for the Summer”) but the rest of the tracks all live up to the promise of that quickie. Album opener “Nighthawks” is a perfect synth-tinted driving tune “Heroes of the Sidewalk” is just quirky enough to work as a left-of-centre love song and “Backseat Sweetheart” has a shameless rock ’n’ roll breakdown. On this commute Two Hours Traffic veer from the Flashing Lights expressway onto the Nada Surf exit never going off the road.