Party says refund rule contravenes Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The Green Party of Alberta says Alberta’s Election Act contravenes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the party plans to mount a legal challenge to the law if the province doesn’t voluntarily change it by September.
When a candidate runs for office he or she pays $500 to Elections Alberta. If the candidate is elected or gets at least half the number of votes of the elected candidate half the deposit — $250 — is refunded. However if the candidate gets less than half the votes of the winner there is no refund. Green Party leader George Read says this rule deters small parties from the political process.
“It’s a big chunk of our budget” says Read. “Seventy-nine candidates at $250 a candidate not returned — that’s $19750…. Why is it that we’re being penalized for not getting 50 per cent of the votes of the winner?” The deposit money says Reid could buy a lot of signs flyers and advertising for the Greens who have no MLAs. “We would use that money to connect with voters” he says.
Read is calling on Attorney General and Calgary MLA Alison Redford to change the law. The federal government changed a similar law after an Ontario court ruled in 1999 that withholding the refunds was inconsistent with the Charter. “We’re going to strike a blow for democracy in Alberta” says Read. “It’ll change things for a long time and make it better for everyone involved in the political process.”