Cruisin’ the Cosmos

Week of July 23 2009

LEO (JULY 23 – AUG. 22)

Like a flame you jump from log to log in the flick of an eye. This weekend though you could jump too far or high thinkin’ it’s dry only to find yourself on wet wood with an awful fight tryin’ to get it to ignite. Before you don’t get burned think it over twice and seek out some friendly advice!

VIRGO (AUG. 23 – SEPT. 22)

Like any newborn your new endeavour needs help surviving this sensitive period so play the part of the mewling feeble infant. That way by the time you hit the terrible twos your tutors will already be too attached to return you. This week be as cuddly as you can before you begin undertaking your plan!

LIBRA (SEPT. 23 – OCT. 22)

The watchword for this week is economical. Savin’ greenbacks don’t mean you can’t be the stylish fashion plate you were born to be. Fashion’s about recyclin’ anyway so you just gotta go to thriftin’ for duds dumpster divin’ to add dash to your décor and garage salin’ where you’ll dig up goodies galore!

SCORPIO (OCT. 23 – NOV. 21)

You’ll have innumerable opportunities to operate on a purely primal level this week but some contemplation should be attempted before jumpin’ into the proverbial primordial pit. One particularly persuasive person who holds power over you is happy to help you over the precipice. Look at how they’ll profit before you leap!


Backstabbin’ can be easy with the bow ’n’ arrow set. You can hit the bull’s-eye from blocks away without gettin’ any messy hemoglobin on your new outfit. But hopefully you’re better than that and can see that if you ain’t where you wanna be only hard work not bein’ a jerk is what’ll set you free!


Before the weekend you’ll be like Midas and everything you touch’ll turn to gold. Just don’t let it get the better of you. When things get golden so suddenly people tend to get a li’l loopy. Be sure not to make the same mistake and when your ego hits overdrive this week put on the brakes!

AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 – FEB. 18)

You’re not the type to say “Hey that’s OK” and be quietly content with not gettin’ your way. That’s why it’s weird that in the past li’l while the part of you responsible for pursuin’ your dream hasn’t been given time in your daily routine. This week that should be endin’ with the mental and physical energy the cosmos is sendin’!


In the middle of the week it’ll be cartoon light-bulb time and solutions of all sorts’ll pop into your mind the most meaningful being a peaceful resolution to a recent disputation. Not only will you be in a happier place it’ll also increase your reputation and you can profit from your wisdom through your skills in mediation!


You impulsive? Never! You’re far too clever to jump into either the fryin’ pan or the fire. Except that is in matters of the heart’s desire. Then you’re in like Flynn and fervently let those flames flicker at your feet one blazin’ with love and the other with hate. Too bad you never notice those hotfoots until it’s too late!


Destruction! Mayhem! Havoc! Things for a Taurus to fear? Nay! You can face the chaos with dread but richer men have said that war is good for the wallet. Ever hear of the military-industrial complex? They’re makin’ fistfuls until folks lay down their pistols. This week you’ll have your own opportunity to profit from pandemonium!


Hold on a second speedy. Before undertakin’ your devious plot you might wanna make sure that when the dust clears you can stand proud and say there are no flies on you at the end of the day. Y’see what they buzz around ain’t Shinola and if you ain’t full of it they’ll go away!


You’re the maternal sign of the zodiac and mommas make do with less when they got a young’un in the nest. If you want what you’re tryin’ to nurture to one day become fully mature you’ll have to give up something you love that’s useless. Success depends on your judgment here bein’ ruthless!

You can contact The Kid at cruisinthecosmos@hotmail.com.
