Jem Rolls’ Leastest Flops

Jem Rolls’ Leastest Flops Alexandra Centre Saturday 5:00

So performance poety isn’t really my thing. I don’t have anything against it but I don’t rush out in anticipation of it.

Jem Rolls isn’t what you would expect. There are no overly dramatic interpretations of the changing seasons or something like that. This isn’t flowery and it’s good.

Rolls deals with topics like bragging British (about how they won they won they won they won they won) putting his foot in his mouth and breaking up because the sex was too good (apparently only men say this).

He is a prodigious producer of words with a good sense of humour and his overly enunciated speaking style (to help us Canadians understand his accent perhaps) reminded me of Monty Python.

This is one to check out. Don’t let the poetry thing scare you.

-Drew Anderson
