Stephanie Meyer Invented Werewolves. I guess.

I can offer no commentary on this that makes it any funnier. And so here is a portion of a letter recently recieved by Latino Review concerning the new Benicio Del Toro film The Wolfman. The letter was written by Kayla Patterson who is a ahem devout Twilight fan:

"This movie was a complete waste and I feel that it offends ALL Twilight Fans around the world that including myself. For one it was a COMPLETE remaking of the Wolf Pack from the Twilight Saga: New Moon. It gives the werewolves a bad name and makes them look like some deformed mutation of a rabid dog. I actually started to like werewolves after seeing Jacob Black and all his awesomeness on the big screen at the movies. That was until I saw your crappy remake of what you call to be a "were wolf". I don’t see how you live with yourself for making it the way you did. If I made this movie I would be ashamed to even admit that I owned it. How can a werewolf be killed with a silver bullet? Better yet have you saw the transformation of the man that is "supposed" to be the wolf? He sits in some chair and his entire body turns in to some mutated freak. If you would watch the transformation of Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) he doesn’t come close to looking as fake cheap and or mutated as the wolf man. You tell me who looks to be the better werewolf. Your stupid Wolf Movie didn’t even make the top Movie for the charts; Valentines Day WITH TAYLOR Lautner ! Get that this is MY oppinion and I felt I wanted to express it because I saw that your email was on your site. I wanted to let you know this is what i thought of the wolf man that sucks.


Read the whole awesomely insane thing here which is even complete with pictures.

I want to blame someone for this (The school system? The government at large? Mormons?) but I think it would take a The Wire -like examination of our various cultural problems to get us anywhere near understanding the inner monologue of your average teenage Twihard. Gazing into that abyss without the right preparation would only lead to madness and despair.

(via FilmDrunk )
