‘When someone is making you uncomfortable folks emulate TOAD — make your excuses and bolt.’
I am a mostly straight 22-year-old woman. I am a pretty GGG kind of gal. I am generally not put off easily even if I am told things that don’t quite do it for me.
So I just started seeing this guy. I haven’t known him for long — no serious sexual activity other than mild foreplay. The other night a few drinks in we ventured into talking about sex and porn. When I asked what type of porn he watches he said that he likes videos of “dirty whores rape scenarios and gang bangs.” Now mind you I like being treated like a dirty whore. And I love porn. But for some reason this put me off. I ended up heading home early and I am apprehensive about seeing him again.
Was my reaction legit? I’ve indulged other partners in bondage BDSM power games and so on (which I am very much into). So why am I judging this nice good-looking guy as a creep?
— Turned Off And Displeased
First TOAD I want to praise you for trusting your gut and getting out of there. Everyone should follow your example: When someone is making you uncomfortable folks emulate TOAD — make your excuses and bolt. On to your question….
You’ve liked being treated like a dirty whore and you’ve done BDSM with other guys so why are you judging this particular guy?
Someone who’s turned on by extreme power games — hardcore BDSM degradation verbal abuse role-play scenarios sexist stereotypes — has to demonstrate that he (or she) is not just extremely trustworthy TOAD but extremely sensible. And when this guy shared his interest in some pretty extreme kinks so early in the relationship (“haven’t known him for too long”) your gut rightly told you that this “nice good-looking guy” wasn’t someone with whom you would feel safe.
Because when he told you about his extreme kinks TOAD you simply didn’t know him well enough to say to yourself “Hey that’s some hardcore shit there — but he’s proved himself to be a good person and I would feel safe doing this stuff with him.” And not only didn’t you know him well enough to come to that conclusion he should’ve known that you didn’t know him well enough to come to that conclusion .
By sharing his kinks too soon TOAD this seemingly nice guy demonstrated poor judgment and worse impulse control. And rock-solid judgment and gold-plated impulse control are the first and second things we should look for in someone whose sexual interests are way the fuck out there.
I don’t think he should’ve lied TOAD but he should have had the common sense to kick the conversation down the road or downplay without misrepresenting; for example instead of saying “I’m into dirty whores rape scenarios and gang bangs” he could have said “I’m into experienced business women some intense role-play scenarios and I’m intrigued by group sex scenes with significant gender imbalances.” Then after you got to know each other a bit better and after he had proved himself to be a decent trustworthy guy with rock-solid judgment and gold-plated impulse control he could’ve opened up a bit more and given you a clearer picture of his kinks and perhaps done so without creeping you out.
I’m not saying that he’s a creep or an abuser or a wannabe rapist — or that he’s not all of those things. Maybe he’s just young and inexperienced and hasn’t learned how to talk about his creepy kinks without creeping people out TOAD or maybe the booze caused him to blurt out something he usually rolls out with more finesse. It’s up to you whether you give him a second chance — but make the next date a dry one and if he creeps you out trust that gut of yours make your excuses and bolt.
I’m in my 30s married and bisexual. I have a problem with my wife. She does not accept my bisexuality as “real.” While it is true that I lean toward women I definitely find some men attractive and I had some forms of sex with several men before I got together with my wife. However since I never took it in the ass she believes that I’m not really bisexual. Furthermore she gets embarrassed when we are with our gay friends and tales of my man-on-man experiences come up. She wants me not to talk about it at all. I’m not hitting on anyone or contemplating cheating on her with a man or anything just talking about the past — or agreeing with her when she says Clive Owen is totally hot.
Am I wrong to think that she is being kind of an asshole by not accepting my sexuality? Or am I just being selfish in not soothing her faithfulness fears?
— Likes Men But Loves Wife
Hm… your wife refuses to believe that you’re bisexual because you never got around to taking it in the ass. There’s a simple way to solve that problem LMBLW: Take it in the ass a couple dozen times and present your wife with a lovely boxed set of commemorative DVDs.
That would mean cheating on her though something you’re not interested in doing and something she fears. I suppose you could point out that women with straight husbands aren’t exactly guaranteed an adultery-free ride. Sandra Bullock Jenny Sanford and Elin Nordegren all married 100 per cent heterosexual men — at least so far as we know at press time — and despite their husbands’ failure to take it in the ass (no man’s perfect) all three women wound up on the cover of In Touch Us and People .
But while I think your wife is being a bit of an asshole (and a lot in denial) by not accepting your bisexuality LMBLW regaling your gay pals with tales of your man-on-man experiences could annoy a spouse who was comfortable with your sexuality.
As a “not-stereotypical-looking” lesbian who tends to be attracted to other “not-stereotypical-looking” lesbians I wish every “single and looking” lesbian wore something that said so — like the lesbian reader last week who was thinking about going out in a “Single. Lesbian. Interested?” T-shirt. When I do go out to the one lesbian bar in my city people look at me with that “What-are-you-doing-in- our -bar?” stare.
— Show Me Your Status
There are nearly twice as many gay-identified men out there as there are lesbian-identified women. This fact alone is all the proof we need that homosexuality isn’t a choice. Considering what shits straight men can be — judging from my mail — surely more women would choose homosexuality if they could.
Anyway it seems to me that what single lesbians need — in addition to dyke bars Internet personal ads women’s softball leagues and cat-food aisles in grocery stores (man those lesbian/cat jokes never get tired!) — is a secret sign. I’m thinking something subtle SMYS not because I’m pro-closet but because I’m pro-tasteful. Message T-shirts? Never tasteful. And “Nobody Knows My Girlfriend is a Lesbian” T-shirts are very 1995 (and highly unlikely to get a single girl a date).
Instead maybe all lesbians everywhere should start wearing a button. No words just a solid color something small and tasteful that could be pinned to the strap of a purse (popular with “not-stereotypical-looking” lesbians) the lapel of a jacket or the belt loop on a pair of jeans. Thinking outside the lavender/pink/purple box I think the button should be green — green for “go” green as in “Go ahead and hit on me ladies. I’m a lesbian.”
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