On Saturday Calgary lost an important part of its cultural fabric. Over the weekend Jasmine Herron was killed by a bus while riding her bike in Brooklyn. It’s a sad and far-too-early end for a woman who was just getting started at the age of 23.
Jasmine who wrote for this paper under the name Jasmine Valentina was living in Brooklyn after attending the Alberta College of Art and Design. She was an energetic funny and creative force during her time in Calgary and worked briefly as an intern at Fast Forward Weekly.
On her Facebook page she described her occasional writing: "Whenever I feel so inclined I criticize people and the things they make (and get paid to do it!)"
But Jasmine was more than that. Equal parts awkward engaging intelligent and insightful her writing and her creative energy were inspiring. But she didn’t take herself too seriously.
Her alter ego video character Harold can probably do a better job proving that point than I. So I will leave you with him.
Here’s to Jasmine you will be missed.