Wildrose Alliance fashion catalogue

For every chip hammered out of Alberta’s redneck stereotype another brick quickly replaces it.

Case in point: The Wildrose Alliance Party hunting cap. Contoured polycotton and a mere $15 this fashionable camouflage chapeau is the perfect gift for friends family members and colleagues alike — especially ones who consider Jeff Foxworthy and Larry ‘The Cable’ Guy hilarious public education a socialist scheme meant to undermine parental choice and toss climate change science in the same lot with voodoo witchcraft.

But if lurking behind bushes for hours on end in hopes of killing animals isn’t your thing fear not. The Wildrose also offer variety of other wares for the oil and gas corporate set including golf balls jean jackets pens coffee mugs and cowboy hats.

The Alberta Tories may want to consider following suit with their own line of hillbilly haute couture. I mean really Ted Morton’s look is sooo fall 2007.
