Oh Fringe Festival how you pull at our heart strings.

Stroke of Malice tells the true story of a stroke elder abuse and financial ruin. Calgary playwright Elizabeth Hudson and director Cherie Dianne Casyln join superb actresses Carrie Schiffler and Sydney John in this haunting production.

After a near fatal stroke a woman suffers emotional devestation rape and financial ruin at the hands of her abusive ex-husband and unable to talk nobody can help her. The show focuses on an encounter between the woman and her social worker and pulls at the emotions of anger and sadness. It’s sad but true that this kind of thing happens all over the world every day. The actresses are amazing at making you forget you are sitting in a gym and watching their pain.

The only complaint is the venue (Alexandra Centre Society) is extremely hot so dress light to this hour-long show.

Tickets are $12 and the show runs again on Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday.
