Local singer-songwriter Gerry Krochak hits Olympic Plaza
If not for love loss heartache and pain there would probably be 95 per cent fewer songs in the world. But for Erin Ross getting inside of a story has always been far more effective than getting inside of an emotion.
“I might not be the most prolific songwriter around” she says. “But it’s something I do when the mood strikes me.
“I write about cars and trucks fishing my grandparents…. I tend to write in a story-telling style of things that are part of my own experience and my idea of the world. Maybe I haven’t had my heart stomped on enough but I find myself writing more about things that are inspiring in my life than anything else.”
Music has almost been second nature for Ross and playing a variety of instruments singing and writing songs seems as natural as breathing for the 31-year-old born-and-bred Calgarian.
Drawing influence from the blues folk roots and rock music and spinning wax from all-time personal favourites such as Mississippi’s John Hurt Lightning Hopkins Patsy Cline and Led Zeppelin only inspired Ross to cut her own 45’s with “Sweet Thing” and “Another Empty Day.”
“I’m a big vinyl collector and I love the format” she says of her old-school methods of recording and releasing new music.
“The immediate goal is to record another seven-inch to make up the third in the set and then hopefully a full record at some point — budget permitting.”
Most weekends Ross hop-scotches her way across Alberta Saskatchewan and Manitoba and her motto seems to be performing anytime and anywhere — folk festivals blues joints rock clubs coffee houses outdoor markets — you name it.
Her ease and personality onstage has always made the affable tunesmith fast fans and friends. Along with Bitterweed Draw The Dyeing Merchants and Gretchen Ross will be playing Olympic Plaza as part of the CJSW Summer Concert Series on Saturday August 13.
“I think my onstage comfort level just comes from having done it for so many years” she says. “I was always fortunate to have had a lot of opportunities. I was a drama kid in school and be-coming a singer-songwriter was an easy transition for me.
“I dunno…. I just love playing guitar telling the stories and meeting people after the show. The greatest feeling in the world is seeing that complete strangers are responding and appreciating what you do.”