Unfun seek funds after fatal van accident

Unfun the Vancouver-based pop-punk band that also includes two Calgarians were involved in a fatal accident on May 9. While all members of the band escaped with their lives the driver of the car who hit them passed away.

Currently on tour through the United States (a trip that brought them to Calgary’s Wonder Emporium on May 1) their van was hit and totaled in Indiana. One member was on a respirator for seven hours while two others were hospitalized for upwards of 30 hours.

Frontman Leonardo Bones shared the following statement as to what happened:

We played in Hammond that nite and after the show 4 people jumped Declan and Bee in the bar and beat them up pretty badly. When we confronted them we realized they had more friends there to back them and they called more other people. So we left ASAP and in a hurry.

We stopped at a gas station to get directions to the nearest motel and because the bridge to the interstate was closed we took a road that has a turn known as ‘dead man’s curve’ apparently. While approaching the curve two cars coming towards us looking like they were racing on this two line road were coming incredibly fast (prolly 80mph serrrriioousssly) and were very close to each other. The first car lost control and the passenger side on the car was skidding across into our line while the other car was still fast behind them. So it was coming like sideways like a roadblock. We hit them dead on on the shoulder of the road. Then our van bursted into flames while the gear covered Bee and Taylor was trapped in the driver’s seat. Declan cut him out with Taylor’s leatherman and Tyler and I threw our bass cab oversized Marshall cab and bunk/cabinet off of Bee until she was free and that was fucking that. Scariest night ever.

With their tour cancelled Unfun are currently fundraising for medical bills flights home and other costs. If you’d like to donate more information on how you can help is available here . You can also donate directly to the band by sending PayPal funds to taylor.s.freund (at) gmail (dot) com.
