Hefty price tag to move traffic through Tsuu T’ina territory

The price tag for the agreement between the provincial government and Tsuu T’ina Nation for the southwest Calgary ring road corridor through the First Nation’s territory has come in at $304.7 million plus the transfer of nearly 2000 hectares of crown land to the Tsuu T’ina.

That dollar amount includes $275 million for some 428 hectares of land on which the ring road will be constructed (coming to $642000 per hectare) and $65.7 million to cover the impacts of the road on the nation.

An agreement between the Tsuu T’ina the Alberta government and the City of Calgary for a ring road in the city’s southwest has long been in the works. Negotiations over this specific contract with the province began in 2004.

The Tsuu T’ina gave its approval for the agreement following an October 24 referendum among members. Under the terms of the contract the city must begin construction on the road within seven years.
