City lays out what it wants to see from Ottawa

Just as it gave the provincial government some advice on what to write into this year’s budget the City of Calgary has also announced its recommendations for the federal budget.

The feds actually seek the advice of municipalities and the deadline for submissions for the 2014 budget was August 5 2013. The report was made public this week.

This year the city is stressing three items it wants included in the federal budget. First Calgary wants the feds to contribute $2 billion annually to fund a national transit framework “to build and encourage greater public transit usage in Canada.”

Next Calgary is repeating its calls for a national poverty-reduction strategy including related legislation regular funding targets and consultation with Canadian municipalities in developing a federal poverty-reduction act.

Related to the city’s desire to address poverty its third budget recommendation to the federal government is to increase funding for affordable housing.

“Calgary and Alberta’s strong economy is attracting a labour force that is essential for the economy to remain competitive. The range of choices required to house this booming population is not available. It is essential that long-term federal funding remain in place to support municipalities in identifying and responding effectively to the housing and homelessness needs of each community” the report says.

The report which will be discussed on January 9 by the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee criticizes the federal government’s previous budget for neglecting to address the city’s stance on issues related to climate change waste management and poverty reduction.
