Cruisin’ the Cosmos

CANCER (JUNE 21 — JULY 22) It sure didn’t take long after your success for every parasite in town to locate your address. No need for stress. Just keep close tabs on those suckers so when they try to attach to you you’re ready and waitin’. Then you can react with defence mechanisms instead of emotionally respondin’ with hatin’!

LEO (JULY 23 — AUG. 22) Sometimes bein’ the head of the castle can seem more hassle than it’s worth. Like this weekend when the moon’s light sheds clarification on your citadel’s need for reparations. This week you may seriously want to consider some downsizin’ since the material resources you sink into maintainin’ could be used in other areas that are much less drainin’!

VIRGO (AUG. 23 — SEPT. 22) You’ll feel about as attractive as you can get this weekend while the moon sheds sideways light on you showin’ off your sexy silouhette. Enjoy it while it’s here ’cause it won’t last forever. It’s not that you’ll get ugly it’s just that under Luna’s light the best of your best will be seen in the best light!

LIBRA (SEPT. 23 — OCT. 22) Like the butterfly flappin’ its wings a minor change in your daily routine will soon see a hurricane of hotties start to blow in your general direction. This ain’t a wind that can blow your house down so don’t shut yourself off when the whirlwind starts comin’ ‘round!

SCORPIO (OCT. 23 — NOV. 21) Come on now! Change’ll happen no matter how you feel about it and that’s just a fact of life. Take it gracefully. Let go. If you don’t it’ll tear you up inside until you do. Why would you wanna put yourself through that? Are you some kinda weirdo? Hmmm. Well you are a Scorpio….

SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 — DEC. 21) As much as you shoot for the stars you have to realize down here on Earth you still have to meet your mundane obligations. Thankfully this week it won’t be too hard ’cause you’re always carryin’ a wild card: you! Your quick thinkin’ and improv skills’ll make you a magnet for moolah to easily manage your bills!

CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 — JAN. 19) You’re charming and attractive. People like you. You’ve been ambitious in pursuing your dreams and you find most folks are happy to help. Besides you know how to take care of business. So what the hell are you worried for? Give it a week or two — you’re soon gonna have a serious score!

AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 — FEB. 18) Yeah yeah. You’ve reached enlightenment. If you think that makes you a “higher” being you need a refresher lesson in zen. Start with this one: Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment chop wood and carry water.

PISCES (FEB. 19 — MARCH 20) Caring attention is connected to the water element for a reason. It seeps deep into the dirt to feed the roots of plants nourishing their shoots and ensuring their growth is constant. If you don’t care enough your earth’ll be too compact to absorb much of anything buddy. Then when it pours this week that water’ll stay on the surface and only make everything muddy!

ARIES (MARCH 21 — APRIL 19) You really want it? Well there’s one way you’re sure to get it: effort and sacrifice. In other words give it up and work it! While it may not sound like much fun at first it’s far from the worst option available to you. In fact it’s the best if you also wanna avoid gettin’ stressed!

TAURUS (APRIL 20 — MAY 20) You’re happy enough with the way things turned out since it’s not like you’re greedy or anything. Maybe that’s why the fat cats at Cosmic Coincidence Control have a big payoff planned for you… Ooops! Well now the cat’s outta the bag make sure you don’t count your chickens before they hatch or you could end up with egg on your face!

GEMINI (MAY 21 — JUNE 20) Are you sure you wanna give up happiness and stability just because you have a short attention span? Change is a good thing but sometimes it’s better to stick it out for a while especially if you’re not sure you’d be okay with never havin’ it this good again. It could happen dear friend….
