Gerard Way – Hesitant Alien

Once My Chemical Romance announced their demise last year it was pretty much a given that frontman Gerard Way would continue on his own. The only question left to ask was what colour of hair would he sport for his solo album’s cover?

It’s a pretty loaded question considering his history. The guy loves his Manic Panic and in MCR’s time his hair has gone through Electric Tiger Lily Vampire Red Electric Banana Red Passion peroxide blond and of course his classic look: Raven. Hesitant Alien’s album cover however reveals an unexpected winner: Pillarbox Red.

Hair aside Hesitant Alien is a surprisingly triumphant and spirited artistic statement from the guy who was once blamed for leading the “emo cult.” Of all the routes to take Way chose the overblown production and big chorus style of Britpop which he effortlessly masters. To put it into perspective this album is far better than anything Shed Seven ever released probably even better than Be Here Now.

In fact this album features some of Way’s best work in years. Highlights like the “Action Cat” and “No Shows” are both cut from the same cloth as MCR’s anthemic “I’m Not Okay” and “Na Na Na” while he mimics Suede’s slow-drawn glam on the power ballad “Drugstore Perfume.”

On “Action Cat” Way asks “Do you miss me?” And yeah like many other former MCRmy soldiers I did. Without getting too sappy Hesitant Alien is better than I could’ve hoped for. Plus his hair looks fantastic on that album cover.
