LIBRA (SEPT. 23 — OCT. 22) It’s a wonderful week to let your mind run willy-nilly with “what ifs” even if it gets sinful or silly. It’s just a thought experiment to understand if you were to follow different paths where you’d eventually land. Explore any and all of your options in minute detail so when you do make a choice it’s unlikely to fail!
SCORPIO (OCT. 23 — NOV. 21) Remember the Scorpio symbol of the iceberg this week. Whatever you let them see make sure there’s much more under the surface. That’s what the approachin’ warship don’t know and never will as long as you keep it that way. You may lose a big chunk but if that ship wants to tangle they’re gonna get sunk!
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 — DEC. 21) You’re in danger of displayin’ the same self-destructive self-righteousness as the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If you do you’re doomed to fail. Which of the followin’ is really defeat? Stayin’ complete and lettin’ the other knight pass or bein’ chopped down till you’re only a head torso ’n’ ass?
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 — JAN. 19) You’ll meet someone this week who holds a key to the opportunity you seek but keep your cool. Just ’cause the key’s hangin’ right in your face don’t race to get it or you’ll wind up regrettin’ it. Give the process time to unfold and when you’re ready to receive it the key will be yours to hold!
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 — FEB. 18) Don’t worry. If you think all’s lost and it’s hopeless then you’ll be happy to learn that the recent new moon will soon ensure the tide will turn. Don’t expect results right away but by bringin’ your will and desire into play your success’ll swiftly start buildin’ day by day!
PISCES (FEB. 19 — MARCH 20) When it comes to the other side of the fence it’s one thing to think your neighbour’s grass is greener and another to think their space should be cleaner. Who put you in charge of the world’s backyards? Nobody. That’s who. Keep your nose outta other folks’ biz until you’re done dealin’ with how messy your own property is!
ARIES (MARCH 21 — APRIL 19) Right now since you’re not sure what you should do you’re listenin’ to your pride and waitin’ for them to come over to you. Well you might be waitin’ longer than you expect if you don’t get more direct. This week it’s time to swallow your pride and let ’em know how you really feel inside!
TAURUS (APRIL 20 — MAY 20) Right now what you need is some drill sergeant action. Why? ’Cause you ain’t gonna get no satisfaction till you’re truly motivated and right now you’re just sittin’ on your tush and could use a seriously big push. If you want it get out there and grab it or you ain’t gonna get anything dagnabbit!
GEMINI (MAY 21 — JUNE 20) A caterpillar dies so a butterfly may exist but after it’s flyin’ high in the sky how much do you think all that crawlin’ is missed? Heck it probably doesn’t give a toss ’cause flyin’ is more of a gain than a loss. Instead of bein’ sad ’cause something’s gone or dead you’ll be happy when you see what’s in store for you ahead!
CANCER (JUNE 21 — JULY 22) This week’ll be like losin’ 40 pounds fast. Whether through unanesthetized liposuction or a week-long bout with a brutal stomach flu it’s gonna be uncomfortable for you. Hey at least when it’s over you won’t be luggin’ around so much weight or self-hate and it’s when you lose all that extra baggage that travellin’ through life really gets great!
LEO (JULY 23 — AUG. 22) If life were a game of Risk would you avoid confrontation and be content to keep yourself confined to one crummy continent? So why would you be happy stayin’ where you stand when clearly it’s time to expand? You’ve run out of resources now you need more. Whaddaya waitin’ for? Use the power at your command to go out and conquer some new land!
VIRGO (AUG. 23 — SEPT. 22) Sometimes in worldly affairs or to save your own skin you make tough decisions. Of course this won’t always make you a popular person but if you don’t do it the situation your skin’s in’ll worsen. This week step up to the plate and do what’s best for you even if it’s somethin’ you hate!