TEDxCalgary Truth(s)

TEDxCalgary: Truth(s) will explore what we know what we don’t know and how we navigate the space between.

The independently organized event showcases a myriad of voices in politics education arts culture and more. Each truth-teller will explore what makes something true and how do we determine truth—from the hard and debatable truths to shared truths in science relationships decision-making poetry science and ultimately the human condition.

TEDxCalgary Truth(s) speakers and performers include Dr. Joe Arvai Decision Scientist and Professor University of Calgary Dr. Phil Currie Canadian Palaeontologist & Museum Curator/Founder Royal Tyrrell Museum Doris Daley Award-winning Cowboy Poet Dr. William Ghali Health Sciences Researcher & Scientific Director Institute for Public Health University of Calgary Aritha van Herk Author Mavericks: An Incorrigible History of Alberta Beverly Jacobs Former President Native Women’s Association of Canada Brenna Meynard Musician Annika Odegard Singer/Songwriter/Pianist Bruce Sawdon Principal Calgary Board of Education Dr. Munir Sheik Economist Academic and Former Chief Statistician of Canada Statistics Canada

Tickets $85 available at www.tedxcalgary.ca