Springhammer screens tonight

There are no shortage of movies that feature knives (Crocodile Dundee comes to mind) but very few about knives themselves. Fortunately that will change with the arrival of Springhammer a new film about blacksmiths.

On his website director Kevin Kossowan explains that the documentary had modest origins as he planned to follow Calgarian Knifewear owner Kevin Kent on a trip to Japan. The idea was to cobble together some footage to help promote the store and explain how their knives are made.

Kossowan adds that the pair quickly realized they had a wealth of good material on their hands and decided to turn the film into a feature-length documentary about Japanese blacksmiths. Springhammer takes its name from the tool that blacksmiths use to hammer steel into knives.

Springhammer will screen at The Plaza tonight (October 20) at 7 p.m. and again at 11:30 p.m. Tickets for the film are available here while its trailer can be streamed below.
