Alberta minister of seniors Jeff Johnson.
On October 18 Alberta Premier Jim Prentice announced the government is planning another 1500 long-term care spaces in Alberta. His announcement said this will equal a total of 2900 new spaces when one counts the 1400 expected to open in 2017 and 2018. The government is devoting $120 million to the spaces or $80000 per space through the Affordable Supportive Living Initiative (ASLI).
“Government is committed to providing safe affordable quality housing that meets the diverse needs of Alberta seniors. I will work with community and faith-based partners to make sure that seniors can receive the care they need in an appropriate place while staying close to family and friends” said Minister of Seniors Jeff Johnson at an October 18 press conference.
However there is not a firm timeline for when the spaces will be available nor even a guarantee they will ever be created. That’s because the announcement is merely about a request for proposals (RFP) for private care providers to submit bids on building more care units and the $120 million is from a previously budgeted grant structure.
“That’s what we are announcing the RFP for the spaces to get built” says Jenny Renner the Minister of Seniors’ press secretary. “With ASLI grants we partner with non-profits private facilities like private for-profit facilities faith-based Métis everything so they will not be publicly run. Although sometimes when we have a hard time finding partners we do help in that.”