Serena Malyon
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 — JAN. 19) If you had an astrosocial app in 2015 it’d be RYSKY. That’s ’cause risk will be very prevalent on your path the next 12 months. Whether you plan to avoid it or invest to take advantage of it or just engage in that type of behaviour through the year you will continually play the odds. You’d better be sure of ’em or you’ll get the wrath of the gods!
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 — FEB. 18) Your 2015 astrosocial app would REPR8. It’ll help you truly understand that less is more and a continual process of paring back everything you think say and do is the best method you have to repair you. It’s not a matter of fixin’ you ’cause you’re a mess but reducin’ your frame-of-mind’s load-bearin’ stress!
PISCES (FEB. 19 — MARCH 20) Your astrosocial app for the year’ll be BURND. You may wonder why something soundin’ so fiery would be what a water sign needs but it’s more about desire than anything else. Whether physical financial or frisky you’re gonna have a lot of it this year. It’ll very much be of the burnin’ variety and if you don’t keep a close eye on it then you’ll y’know get burnt.
ARIES (MARCH 21 — APRIL 19) REBL would be the astrosocial app for you especially the first half of the year. You’ll have many moments where militant righteousness will seem the smartest way to proceed but if you keep an eye on the feed you’re more likely to succeed. You’ll have a surplus of reasons that’ll make you want to protest but for only a few’ll that course of action be best!
TAURUS (APRIL 20 — MAY 20) Your astrosocial app of 2015 should be DOZR and not ’cause it’s time for you to Rip Van Winkle your way through the whole year. It’s ’cause you’ve already got the “bull” part down pat so you need only search for old useless infrastructure you’ve built for yourself. This year it’s about tearing down the old you to build up the new!
GEMINI (MAY 21 — JUNE 20) The astrosocial app for you in 2015 is SPNZS. Your main man Mercury’ll be all over the map most of the year and keepin’ up with the ebb and flow of all the info that’ll come and then go through your noggin’ll be easier if you take it to the next quantum dimension. This year don’t think too much about any one thing — spin to win!
CANCER (JUNE 21 — JULY 22) This year’s astrosocial app for you would be WHOOW. That’s ’cause you just dodged the bullet that was 2014 and although there’s still a few ricochets left the momentum is low enough that the worst you have to worry about is a flesh wound. Knowin’ exactly who your friends are will keep you outta harm’s way the next 365 days!
LEO (JULY 23 — AUG. 22) When you hear your astrosocial app for 2015 is PETTR you’re in for a surprise if you think you’re just gonna push a button and get scratched behind the ears. No this is one of those years where your regal standing requires you to show your subjects some affection. Yes you have a lot of pettin’ to do if you want those you love to remain loyal to you!
VIRGO (AUG. 23 — SEPT. 22) This year’s astrosocial app for you would be WZURD. Whether you want to admit it or not in 2015 your world will be magical and you’ll wield some serious sorcerous powers. Whether you do so Saruman or Gandalf style is on you. Oh and the spelling is to remind you bein’ too strict can turn your magic wand into a normal stick.
LIBRA (SEPT. 23 — OCT. 22) This year your astrosocial app is FACEBACK. Through the year but especially in autumn you’ll have plenty of opportunities to inspect and reflect upon mistakes you’ve made. Not only will you have a chance to learn from them to improve but employin’ your diplomatic approach won’t just save face for you it can reclaim lost honour from the past too!
SCORPIO (OCT. 23 — NOV. 21) Your astrosocial app this year should be BLOOPZ. Because you have something so huge and so powerful deep down in the depths of your soul that defies all logic and boggles the mind. When you start hearin’ it this year learnin’ all you can about it should be your goal ’cause if you don’t harness this leviathan it may swallow you whole!
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 — DEC. 21) Your 2015 astrosocial app is SKWY-Z ’cause tight-fisted Saturn’s gonna be applyin’ pressure on you from both sides for the entire year. While you will likely feel you’ve been through the wringer on numerous occasions you’ll also wring much more from the next 12 months than the dozen before!