Chiniki Lecture in First Nations History

The University of Calgary History Graduate Students’ Union Stoney Tribal

Administration and the Banff Centre are pleased to present the 8th Annual Chiniki

Lecture in First Nations History. For eight years the Chiniki Lecture has fostered

a dialogue on First Nations History bringing together academics First Nations

communities and the general public.

This year’s lecture will feature historians Maureen Lux and Frits Pannekoek.

Maureen Lux (Brock University) is the author of Medicine that Walks: Disease

Medicine and Canadian Plains Native People 1880-1940 (University of Toronto Press:

2001) and will be presenting material from a new book project in her talk “‘Neither

law nor treaty’: Indian Hospitals and the construction of National Health.”

Frits Pannekoek edited Behind the Man: John Laurie Ruth Gorman and the Indian vote

in Canada (University of Calgary: 2007) and will be addressing the struggle for

First Nations’ political rights. His talk is entitled “The Indian Association of

Alberta Ruth Gorman and John Laurie – The Vote for Treaty People.”