Mr. John Tebbutt loved it.
He called director Rob Grant’s new locally shot horror film Alive., which is screening at this year’s Calgary International Film Festival, a, and we quote, “goopy, splattery, macabre horror story.”
You can read his full review here. But, in a nutshell, he thinks you should go see it.
We do, too.
And we want to help.
We have a pair of tickets for the Friday, Sept. 28, 9:15 p.m. showing at the Globe Cinema (upstairs), with the filmmakers in attendance for a Q&A, and they can be yours.
To enter to win, head to our Facebook page, find this posting, and comment underneath with something nice — we like nice — and tag the name of a friend you want to take. If you are one of those people who is not signed up to the Fbook, well, we will take your entry by email at
We will let the winner know via direct message (or email) by the end of the day, Thursday. Sept. 29.
Please, only enter if you really can go and you really want to go.
If that’s you, do, and good luck!