Cruisin’ the Cosmos – week of June 12 2008

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

There ain’t much in this world better than love but when push comes to shove there’s lots involved you need be sure of. Like can you afford to let your affairs be ignored while you’re busy adorin’ and bein’ adored? This week pay attention to biz no matter how attractive any other offer is!

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancers have an uncanny ability to cling to those things that provide emotional stability. Sometimes though you gotta let all that go and take a chance on what you don’t know. This week’s one of ’em. When it comes to gamblin’ don’t think twice take a risk and roll them bones!

LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Y’know the devil does us all a big favour. Just by existin’ we’ve got a choice between good ’n’ evil. That’s what them philosopher types call your “free will.” This week it don’t matter what you choose as long as you choose it ’cause when it comes to free will you gotta use it or lose it!

VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

You could have the world in the palm o’ your hand but there’d still be a whole universe around you where you stand. It don’t matter what you’ve got or how much you know there’ll always be room for you to grow. Right now you know someone who’ll help with this task — you’ve just gotta ask!

LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Luck is somethin’ that happens because of your heart and has nothin’ to do with whether you’re dumb or smart. That’s why this week you need to try somethin’ new and completely forget what your brain’s tellin’ you. Go with your gut feelin’ and you’re gonna see a whole lotta serendipity!

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

The best laid plans o’ mice and men end up gettin’ foiled again ’n’ again. That’s why presently the perfect plan is no plan so forget long-term for now and just do what you can. It don’t mean that you’re lackin’ ambition just that you can quickly change course as required while pursuin’ your vision!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

You’re not too sure what kinda enemy you’re dealin’ with — brainwashed storm trooper or dark lord of the Sith. It’s hard to know which way to skin it if you’re not sure it’s a cat but it’s usually safe to play diplomat. Outclass their ass to make ’em look like chumps and if they can kick yours you’ll still avoid takin’ lumps!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Don’t worry Capricorn you ain’t been forlorn. It may look like you’re at the end of the rope but in reality you’ve got lots of hope. It’s just at the moment the moon’s obstructin’ your view so that you can’t see how things are turnin’ around for you. Soon you won’t need to look so far to realize they actually are!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Whether it’s for better or worse this week you’ll take a step into a new universe. You’ll have a lot of new decisions to make and big chances to take not to mention potential mistakes. If you wanna avoid the latter ignore everyone else’s chatter — if it ain’t in your vision don’t make no decision!

PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)

It really stings when you find out you’re not the puppet master and someone’s pullin’ your strings. Of course you can’t ignore that they move you in ways you’ve never been moved before. If you can set pride aside you won’t be so sore and you’ll learn a heckuva lot more from your new mentor!

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Just ’cause the cosmos peed on your campfire that’s no reason to mope — even though it’s a disaster it’s not without hope. If there’s an ember spark or glowin’ coal there’s still a good chance you’ll reach your goal. If you keep blowin’ on it you’ll find it amazin’ how soon the fire starts blazin’!

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

This week your inspiration level’ll be at an all-time high as the scales fall from your eyes and you realize you’ve been tellin’ yourself lies. Truth is the ultimate fountain of youth so there’s no need for self-scorn. Celebrate your birthday instead baby ’cause you’ve just been reborn!

You can contact The Kid at cruisinthecosmos@hotmail.com .
